Saturday 12 September 2015

Rhythm wall

Final outcome

The reason i did it different from the others is because `its punk'.There is also the escense of raw on the hair shadow shows that the person is wild and its unpredictable.The person in the wall is characterised as performer,follower that is distinguished by socially defiant behaviour.The three lights represent diy ethnic in punk.It means like thinking for yourself amd making your own decision without regards or the opinion of others.i find that there are interesting ways to express what i know and why i think it is important

Thursday 3 September 2015


For this assignment,my group members(jonathan,sachi,kim,aaron and me myself) are doing `punk' theme assignment.
Punk rock
-Found between1974 and 1976 in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia reaching its peak in the late 1970s and characterized by loud, insistent music and abusive or violent protest lyrics, and whose performers and followers are distinguished by extremes of dress and socially defiant behavior.
-The term "punk" was first used in relation to rock music by some American critics in the early 1970s, to describe garage bands and their devotees.
-Punk rock vocals sometimes sound nasal and lyrics are often shouted in hardcore styles.
-Most punk rock uses the distorted guitars and noisy drumming
-Because of the DIY attitude to punk music production, recordings were generally rough, both in terms of musicality and acoustics.
- Topics were anti-establishment, anti-sentimental, confrontational, and controversial. In general, punk music was meant to offend and upset it was everything that mainstream music was not.
-It has also been associated with the punk subculture which was based on the DIY ethnic; thinking for yourself; making your own decisions without regards to one's reputation or the opinions of others.
-Punk rock clothing can be as wild and unpredictable.
-Find interesting ways to express what you know and why you think it's important.
-Punk clothing is iconic because it captures a unique sense of rebellion and individualism. Skinny jeans or cargo jeans, black leather jackets or denim vests, studded or spiked clothing and bracelets, mostly black clothes, spiky hair, Mohawks or dyed hair, leather jackets with band patches, safety pins, or painted-on details such as an anarchy symbol, bondage pants, or pants with added embellishments such as zippers going up the back of the legs, chains, metal rings, or other add-ons, Classic accessories can include arm warmers, studded belts, bullet belts, and wristbands with pyramid studs, stars or spikes.
Emo - A type of music derived from punk/alternative with melody and emotional lyrics. Originally it was short for emotive hardcore, and was influenced by hardcore punk and post-hardcore. It later got reinvented for a non-punk sound and for an alternative/indie/poppy sound.
Screamo - A subgenre of emo, only harsher and has some screams in it.
Pop punk-A loud pop rock style with power chords and punk influences. It has catchy choruses, pop melodies, happy melodies, usually teenage-tinged lyrics and was influenced by bands like Descendants, Green Day, and Ramones.
Folk Punk - A sweet combination of folk and punk, often using more acoustic instruments ( violins, harmonicas, trumpets, upright bass). Not always as fast paced as a lot of punk genres, and has more of a saddened tone to the lyrics.
Anarcho punk
Anarcho punk isn't entirely about anarchy, but it is heavily politically motivated. Its lyrics often convey messages about political issues, including animal rights and anti-government stances. The message is sometimes considered to be much more important than the music. Crass founded the movement, preaching communalism and the DIY movement. They dismissed punk bands like the Sex Pistols as puppets of the music industry, and believed that the only way to truly get your beliefs out was to produce your own music. Some anarcho-punks are straight edge, claiming that alcohol, tobacco, drugs and promiscuity are instruments of oppression and are self-destructive because they cloud the mind and wear down a person's resistance to other types of oppression.
Celtic punk
Celtic punk is essentially punk rock accompanied by traditional Irish instruments. As a musical movement, it was founded in the '80s by the Pogues, a band of punk musicians in London who were seeking to reclaim their Irish heritage. Celtic punk bands often play a blend of traditional Irish folk and political songs as well as original compositions. While the plight of the Irish people throughout history is often a topic of their songs, it's not considered an overtly political movement.Most recently, Celtic punk is seeing a rise to popularity as American bands such as Flogging Molly and Dropkick Murphys put their own spin on the subgenre, and give it a decidedly American flavor.
Hardcore punk's rise to popularity in the late '70s and early '80s happened in multiple cities throughout the U.S. almost simultaneously. Faster and heavier than other contemporary punk bands, hardcore songs were often very short and very frenzied. Hardcore punk generally disavows commercialism, the major music industry and anything similar to the characteristics of mainstream rock and deals with social and political subjects. Guitar parts in hardcore can be complex, technically versatile and rhythmically challenging. Some hardcore punk guitarists play solos, octave leads and grooves, as well as tapping into the various feedback and harmonic noises available to them. The guitar sound is almost always distorted and amplified, creating what has been called a "buzzsaw" sound.

1) We did some discussion in the library and we found book of punk music history in the library.
2)Jonathan plan the layout for each of us and we are split to do different task ourself so that we may work faster in the process.
3)We held another discussion in the library the next day to talk about what materials are we going to use and its purpose and meaning behind it.
4)We selected studs,safety pin and tarton cloth as the materials.Then we went to different places to buy the materials needed.I bought the cloth,Jonathan  bought the studs,sachi bought the a1size board, kim cant find any materials and aaron is given the task to design the words on the board.
We learn to have fun around because it is a punk style theme assignment and there is no `I' in team because everyone have their purpose in the team.For my own individual findings i found that anything can be diy and it is a very meaningful thing to give the purpose in interior design.